
Goodreads YA Cover Contest - May 2018

  979 votes, 38.5%

  600 votes, 23.6%

  462 votes, 18.2%

  284 votes, 11.2%

  216 votes, 8.5%

Poll added by: Marie

Comments Showing 1-18 of 18 (18 new)

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message 1: by Karly (new)

Karly out of the blue

message 2: by Tammra (new)

Tammra This one is weird....... I like them and think they have nice covers, but there is something off in every one.
For example, I like the cover for "Onyx & Ivory", but the way the title is keeps making think it's call Qnyx (couldn't they have made it so the o and i didn't overlap).

Anyway it's little things like that. Unlike previous contests where I liked them and then had to nitpick to choose, these I picked out my problems with them immediately.

They are nice covers, they are not bad at all...... but if I'm going to be honest, they are not all that great either. They do lean on the better side of good though.

message 3: by Jonathan (new)

Jonathan Tyson I have a hard time voting on covers. I think the cover should summarize the story without giving it away, and having not read any of these i couldn't make a fair and educated choice.

message 4: by Angela (new)

Angela Onyx & Ivory received my vote. I love the stark contrast and how mysterious it is. The tree itself is eerily beautiful. However, my second choice was definitely Furyborn (not sure if it's meant to be one word or two).

message 5: by Meg (new)

Meg Pinelli The Queen Underneath has my vote.

message 6: by Katrina (new)

Katrina Onxy for detail, out of the blue for shelf attention

message 7: by Nancy (new)

Nancy Onyx and Ivory all the way!

message 8: by 17cullen (new)

17cullen Out of the blue. Stunning.

Red_Queen_Lover Out of the Blue is beautiful!!!!!

message 10: by Sabrina (new)

Sabrina Out of the Blue

message 11: by Any (new)

Any Length out of the blue

message 12: by Ellen-Arwen (new)

Ellen-Arwen Tristram I wasn't actually that struck on any of them this month...

message 13: by Clare (new)

Clare Golding Out of the Blue. That feather! Gorgeous

message 14: by booklover2002 (new)

booklover2002 Onyx and Ivory

message 15: by Angela (new)

Angela Kocheshkova I don't know, i just really like spades

message 16: by Aspiring (new)

Aspiring Author The Queen underneath! So mysterious and the contrast with the ombre to the stark black and gold. The symbol in the centre invites you in, it feels like something you would only understand once you've read the book, and the way that the golden thorn branches warn you of danger but still lure you in... And don't even get me started on the title font! Love it.

Unsolved ☕︎ Mystery Onyx and Ivory gets my vote. It is very mysterious.
This was an easy choice this time.

message 18: by Stephanie (new)

Stephanie Onyx & Ivory got my vote b/c it's the most beautiful of the covers but really they're all been there done that looking cover.

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