
Goodreads Romance Cover Contest - August 2018. Vote for your favorite!

  912 votes, 36.8%

  616 votes, 24.8%

  594 votes, 24.0%

  202 votes, 8.1%

  156 votes, 6.3%

Poll added by: Hayley

Comments Showing 1-25 of 25 (25 new)

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message 1: by Thomas (new)

Thomas sound's good, when I choice a book I look at cover first and then read the back cover

message 2: by Diane (new)

Diane Me too. Covers are very important. That's one reason I enjoy paperbacks more than ebooks. I can see the cover frequently and learn about the characters in the story.

message 3: by carinne (new)

carinne Diane wrote: "Me too. Covers are very important. That's one reason I enjoy paperbacks more than ebooks. I can see the cover frequently and learn about the characters in the story."

You sound like me. I love my phone, but only because I love to read on it.

message 4: by Vanessa (new)

Vanessa  Mann The cover is important.

message 5: by Barbara (new)

Barbara Ziblis I had a hard time deciding between it seemed like a good idea and unbreak my heart.

message 6: by AarthyAnu (new)

AarthyAnu Yeah, covers make better first impressions but usually I don't stop there. I look at the Cover, blurb and a few reviews (if available & all ratings) before I pick a book up to read. Covers with faces makes it easier to imagine the characters. I voted for Lauren Blakely Lauren Blakely's cover because I think the title and the man's pose sync very well together.

message 7: by Catherine (new)

Catherine I vote for the Tessa Dare book. I like her writing.

message 8: by Adaiah (new)

Adaiah The Governess Game by Tessa Dare. I love the cover.

message 9: by Maine (new)

Maine Johnstone Unbreak my heart by Lauren Blakely love the cover and title

message 10: by Kath (new)

Kath You Promised Me Forever, with The Governess Game as a very close second - actually they were probably tied! I'm glad to see more of a variety in choices this time! Yay Goodreads!!! :-) (Nice to have options in addition to bare skin, tattoos, & muscles.)

message 11: by Teresa (new)

Teresa Number #3 Unbreak my heart

message 12: by Sheri (new)

Sheri Either Rush or Unbreak My Heart.

message 13: by Lisa (new)

Lisa Unbreak My Heart

message 14: by Mayra (new)

Mayra Rush

message 15: by DALIP (new)

message 16: by Leah (new)

Leah Green I voted for Kylie Scott's. Mostly because it did not show the guy's face. I hate book covers that display a guy's face. What if I think he is ugly. Then I am less inclined to read it.

My favorite thing about reading is my imagination weaving in the story. I use the authors suggestions. But my imagination shows me what I want to see. I love book covers that do not try to dictate the characters to me.

I am more inclined to pick up a book with a art print drawing or bodies without faces. Or old black and white art prints with objects or animals. But it is hard for me to read books that have a cheesy cover of some douche looking guy who looks nothing like my type. You are narrowing your audience.

This is merely my opinion. No intent to offend. But if I was in a novel focus group I would choose the Scott book. Hot body without a face let's me choose his features. Which makes me more inclined to buy that steamy romance novel. We all have our types.

message 17: by Liz Smith (new)

Liz Smith I love Kylie Scott's books so that one did it for me.I must admit some covers do put me off which is a shame. But I also love a great looking torso so Will try to read more books with more torsos!!

message 18: by Rosemary (new)

Rosemary Forstrom I love Kylie Scott's writing and this cover is a winner !

message 19: by JESSAMYN (new)

JESSAMYN REINHARD I usually choose by cover also. It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time really drew me in. I have to say I chose by author on this one. Kylie Scott's books are amazing and this book was too!

message 20: by Heather (last edited Aug 23, 2018 03:05PM) (new)

Heather I had a hard time choosing between It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time and Unbreak my Heart but I went with the latter. I love both of them though! ;)
I love historical romance, but the guy on The Governess Games has a totally modern haircut. Like, 2018 modern. It ruins the historical feel completely.

message 21: by Jan (new)

Jan Barron I chose unbroke my Heart.LOVE the cover

message 22: by Urszula (new)

Urszula Unbreak my heart is the one I love the most

message 23: by Gloria (new)

Gloria Friedrich The boy and girl on Tessa Dare's book look like children. Too young, no heat!

message 24: by Stephanie (new)

Stephanie Definitely, It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time.

message 25: by Margaret (new)

Margaret Garten definately unbreak my heart. Those eyes looking off into the distance. Deep thoughts.

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